Welcome to my site!

Still under construction!
I have no clue how many of you read my site, but it's remained in an untouched state for a long time! I'm very sorry, but I haven't had the time to write out anything or update my site at all. So busy, and so much time I've let go to waste... So, if you still check my site, I want to give you my biggest thanks. Hopefully I can update it to a much better state in a near future!
Howdy. I'm Jonloo1, but just call me Jon. I'm pretty new to making websites as of writing, and I'm still just
getting into HTML and CSS and all that. I may get into JavaScript later but for now I'm gonna take building
pages one at a time.
I'm looking at Sadgrl's Layout
Builder and trying to dive into the deep end as to how it works. I could just generate a CSS with it and
call it a day, but I personally find it much more satisfying to build things myself.
Sorry to say, but my page is currently...

Anyway, whoever you are, thank you for reading. Hopefully I'll make this site worth your time sooner in the future. See ya then!