Welcome to my site!

Here's a big collections of stuff I find fun or worth checking out. Games to play, stuff for art, that sort of thing. I think people around NeoCities call these sorts of sites Shrines, but I don't know if I wanna commit to that label.
Enjoy these things as you like!
Games for Free!

Also known as Undertale II: Revenge of the Robots, UNDERTALE 2 is a really imaginative and creative game. You wouldn't think so judging by its really shitpost-y presentation, and one of the game's selling points is its sense of humor coming from its dumbass energy.
But it's really fucking good. It is genuinely really fun and clever as an RPG: Even with how much the game borrows from anything and everything, it's all used in pretty clever ways that you'll be able to have fun with regardless of how familiar you are with the source material. It's always very imaginative with its characters and ideas. I'm particularly fond of its use of these co-operative moves, getting one party member to help another use this big super move, whether it's puzzling an opponent through saying sheer nonsense or motivating the whole party or powering up through a quaint little jig. It's such a good idea and I loved seeing these combinations so much across the game, I would love to steal use that idea in a game myself.