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Darkstalkers seems quite neat
I'm not super duper into playing fighting games, but I like to imagine I appreciate them non-negligably more than the average player. I really like how they're designed and animated, stuff like Incidental Fighters and how uniquely fighting is presented for the sake of being playable.
I started with Skullgirls because that game was beautifully animated, I enjoyed the world it presented and it looked fun as hell to play (and it was!) and Joshua Tomar was the voice of the default announcer. I mostly play Peacock and Ms. Fortune, but I enjoy most of the cast.
story than her gameplay. Still, Nadia's super fun!
From there I was reminded of the existence of Marvel vs Capcom 3, and I played that because it looked fun, seemed a lot easier to play on a modern controller, it had Phoenix Wright in it and I heard the MvC games inspired Skullgirls to some degree. It's also notably moddable, which I'd love to dive into sooner or later, but so far MvC3 has been really fun too! I probably should try out more of the Marvel characters though, I've stuck almost exclusively to the Capcom side...
The first team I made in the game was Phoenix Wright (the reason I got the game), Akuma (heard everybody who plays him is most foul, and I thought it'd be funny) and Felicia (to fill the Ms. Fortune-shaped hole in my heart.)
Oh, and catgirls are cute too.
I was always mmmmmmildly aware of Felicia and Morrigan being from something else, they would show up in lots of other crossover games like Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo, but I never actually looked into either character. I still don't care much for Morrigan but Felicia was always weird to me and just seemed weirder any time I learned anything new about her. She sings? She engages in Broadway tomfoolery? There's smaller versions of her following her around? Her eyes aren't supposed to be blue? Turns out there's a lot more to the literally naked curvaceous cat lady than what's on the surface. Raised by a nun, seeking to live peacefully with the humans through her singing, she can turn into a full on itty bitty kitty, one of the endings has her opening an orphanage... She's really sweet and way cuter to me through this weird plot.
...Nah, I'm just kidding.
Weird plot calls for a weird setting, and Darkstalkers (the game she's from) certainly has it in droves. The whole game is about ghouls and monsters and other such creatures of the night smacking each other in the dark world and the human world alike, with all sorts of wacky characters that are really fun to watch schmoove in action! A Kung-Fu Werewolf beating up a Robo Frankenstein lookin' bloke on the side of a skyscraper, Yeti Monkey thing smushing a Big Bee Woman at a living breathing train... I barely know anything about the setting or the story of the Darkstalkers games, but I don't care. They look super fun to me and I like them and the game gets pretty goofy and over the top and I love what I've seen of the game for that.
By the time you're reading this I've hopefully dived into these games and come out with a greater appreciation for the entire cast instead of just the inspiration for one of my favorite characters. Maybe if the stars align, I'll end up making a Darkstalkers shrine on my site.
Cat girls that can easily kick my ass... Ohh... <3~
...Huh? I'm drooling?